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Ben’s Video Tip of the Week: Come On In

We recently found a productivity tool to compliment our open-door workplace culture. Collaboration meets output in Ben’s weekly tip.


Ben’s Video Tip of the Week: In Memory of Marvin Adler

Ben honors his late friend, Marvin Adler, by sharing a lesson he learned about fair business practices and doing right by the other side. Ben remembers Marvin’s great sense of humor by sharing one of his favorite jokes. Here’s to you, Marvin.


Boards Gone Wrong!

How to do the Right Work as a Board Member Are you on an association or nonprofit Board of Directors? Take a moment to reflect. Do you find yourself spending more time volunteering than you would like or think you should be? Are you on the edge of burnout? If so, you might be doing…


Ben’s Video Tip of the Week: Stop for Gas

Ben shares why he believes staff training is important and you’re never too busy to get better at what you do.


Ben’s Video Tip of the Week: What’s the Big Idea?

In this week’s tip, Ben explains his favorite way to brainstorm new ideas to improve company processes. 

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3 Ways to Make Your Boring Name Badge Useful

    No matter the conference, meeting, or event, you need to create name badges for your attendees. A well-done badge is essential to streamline networking, making introductions easier and name recall seamless. What’s in a name badge? Ideally, much more than a name! Done the right way, you can transform basic name badges into…


Ben’s Video Tip of the Week: Law of Two Feet

In this week’s tip, Ben explains the Law of Two Feet.

Ben’s Video Tip of the Week: Stressful Times Ahead

Ben shares a method for anticipating and managing stressful times as a team.

Ben’s Video Tip of the Week: Get the Most Out of Name Badges

Make name badges even better for attendees at your next event by printing the schedule on the back.

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4 Ways to Keep Your Event Program Out of the Trash

When it comes to association conferences and events, an attractive, user-friendly program book may be the single most important material you give attendees. Done right, the event program will be a valuable resource that attendees will refer to throughout the event and maybe even keep as a guide when they return back to their office.…

Ben’s Video Tip of the Week: Yabbit

Ben’s favorite ways to reflect as a team is to start strategy sessions by discussing the team’s “wins” since the last meeting. The number one rule in these meetings is that no one can spoil a win by saying “yeah, but…”

Ben’s Video Tip of the Week: Hotel Takeover

Effective branding at your event can create a sense of ownership of the space, enhancing the overall experience and leaving attendees with a memorable connection to your event’s message and purpose. Watch now as Ben shares his favorite way to “own” a space.

Ben’s Video Tip of the Week: Greetings and Salutations

Emails are vital for business, but so are creating personal connections. A simple way to be better at both is to start your emails with a personal greeting. 

Ben’s Video Tip of the Week: GAAP vs. Operating Financial Statements

Try supplementing your GAAP financial statements with an operating statement to get a clearer view of the your expenses and revenue. 

Ben’s Video Tip of the Week: Rightsizing Your Hotel

When choosing a hotel for your event or meeting, don’t immediately go for the largest, most luxurious option available. Instead, book one that fits the size of your group to create the feeling of ownership over the space.

Ben’s Video Tip of the Week: Getting to Yes

In the book “Getting to Yes” there are 4 simple rules to elevate your problem solving and negotiating tactics: Focus on the problem, not the people Focus on your interest, not your position Insist on objective criteria Focus on mutual gains

Ben’s Video Tip of the Week: A/V Logistics

A successful A/V set up will go unnoticed and presentations will run smoothly. It’s also really easy to screw up. Always have multiple back-up plans and rehearse your set-up ahead of time.

Ben’s Video Tip of the Week: Avoiding Unnecessary Risks

As a business leader, putting yourself in danger by climbing a ladder or speeding is a risk to more than yourself. If you end up injured and unable to work, your ability to lead will also be affected.