Ben’s Video Tip of the Week: 2020 Is Coming
Dec 18, 2019
Video transcript available below:
2019 is almost over, and we had a great 2019 here at The Markens Group; we hit most of the goals that we set. 2020 is coming. My goals have already been established and shared with our team because strategy is not a secret. Each of them has goals that they are going to do to help me achieve my goals.
In addition to business goals, I always think it’s helpful to have a personal development goal. My goal in 2019 was to get better at pivot tables. Is that going to make us more successful? Probably not. Is it going to make me feel better when folks ask me to weigh in on this spreadsheet or that analysis? Yeah.
So set goals for 2020 if you haven’t already, share them with the folks you work with and have a great year.
Ben’s Tip will taking a sabbatical for a couple of weeks and we’ll be back after the first of the year.
Good luck! Work on your business. Stay in touch.
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